Ways to found lost things in Alaska airlines

While losing items sounds horrid it is quite common these days. Alaska Airlines, therefore, have a proper protocol to look after your belongings and make sure that they reach you safely. You can apply for the policy if you’re on the airport premises or even if you’ve left the airport. In the latter case, you just have to fill out a form online to initiate the finding. 

If you’re inside the airport the first thing that you should do is to go to the Alaska Airlines Baggage counter and submit an inquiry to the staff. They give you a form to fill and you should fill in as much detail as possible to make it easy to identify your item. Let’s take a look at a more comprehensible guide to help you find your lost items better! 

How and where should I submit any inquiry for my lost items in alaska airlines?

You have three situations here: if you’re still inside the airport, if you’ve misplaced the item at the airport and if you have left the premises. Don’t worry because the policy works for either of the situations.:

If you’re inside the airport and left an item behind

You’ve just taken the shuttle and are near the arrival gate, you realize that you’ve left something behind. You can immediately ask for assistance from the staff near the arrival gate and they might go and search the airplane for your item or take a note of it. 

But, after coming to the baggage area you realize that you’ve left your stuff behind you can go to the Alaska Airlines baggage counter and they will help you through. They will provide you with a form in which you will be required to fill in details like your flight number, arrival and departure time, seat number, and in case you’re in transit your final destination and boarding location. 

It is important to give a detailed description of the lost item: color, size, model shape, or if the item has any scratches or any other distinguishable features. 

If you’ve misplaced an item at the airport 

There might be a chance that you’ve not left the item on the flight but misplaced it at the airport. The best way to reclaim your items, in this case, is to contact the lost and found department of the airport. If you’ve left your luggage at any restaurant or rental service then it is advisable to call them directly first. 

If you’ve left the airport where you lost an item

This can be quite scary if you have left something behind on the airplane and you realize it once you’re out of the airport. Luckily, Alaska Airlines lost and found policy has a provision to find your items even if you’ve left the airport. 

For submitting an inquiry, you need to fill out a form online giving all the required details and descriptions of your lost item. You have to fill out the form within 14 days of having lost your items or else the airline won’t be able to help you. 

What is the procedure followed by the airlines? 

Once you have submitted the form whether online or offline the airlines will send you an email confirming the approval of your request. The email will also include a lost report ID number. Make sure to keep the ID safe with you. 

After this, the airline will begin searching for your item based on the descriptions you’ve mentioned. The airline searches for lost items for a total of 30 days. If they find your item, they will either mail you or call you to inform you of the same. 

You have to confirm how you want the item to reach you. You can either collect it in person or get the item delivered. 

With the increased covid protocols these days finding missing or lost items can be a little difficult and tiring as well. People traveling business class get an upper hand in getting back lost items over those traveling in economy. 

As soon as you realize you’ve misplaced an item, act quickly and follow the right steps and the airlines will also cooperate with you. 

If you are inside the airport don’t forget to clarify the next steps to be taken and once the report is submitted, make sure to follow up with the airlines about your missing items.