WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1


The search for Wolverine continues in the Marvel comics universe, and a new, all-woman X-Men team is joining the hunt. In previous weeks, the heroes of Marvel’s universe made the shocking discovery that Wolverine’s adamantium coffin was empty all along, and that the mutant’s remains had actually been interred in a separate grave… but are now missing. This discovery launched a full-scale hunt for Logan, as mutants from all corners try to uncover not only where he is, but if Wolverine is still alive.

One of the search teams has united Daredevil and Misty Knight, while elsewhere Iron Man leads Spider-Man, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, who believe that someone is trying to sell Logan’s genetic material. But these aren’t the only heroes teaming up to find their old friend - and this week’s Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor sees a new group of mutants join forces to seek him out.

And what do you know? They’re some of Marvel’s most talented women.

The Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor is light on the action, as it is primarily setting up the latest team and the evidence that Logan may be back in Madripoor (an old stomping ground of his), or that Magneto (also in Madripoor) has something to do with the disappearance of his body.

The issue begins in the midst of the action, as Psylocke, Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, Storm, and Rogue are all being flown to the criminal haven by Domino. While they may be teaming up, there’s a lack of trust between these mutants… since they’ve often found themselves on opposite sides of a battle.

Once the team reaches Madripoor they think they’ve found Magneto, only to discover (after a brief and nostalgic jaunt into Wolverine’s old base) that it’s actually a trap set by the powerful psychic Mindblast, leading an all-female team of her own! With three issues yet to come in the Mystery In Madripoor mini-series, it looks like Marvel has decided to pit the women of the Marvel universe against each other in a book of their own. And let’s just say that after Mystery In Madripoor #1, the villains certainly have the upper hand.

It’s always refreshing to see Marvel spotlighting their female heroes, not just because this latest X-Men team is comprised of some of the strongest in that universe, meaning fans are in for some epic team battles in the coming issues. But also because it shows that Marvel is still attempting to ensure some diversity in their comics. After fans were disappointed by the loss of diverse titles like Luke Cage, Iceman, Gwenpool, and America, not to mention Jane Foster ending her time as Thor and Wolverine going back to X-23, this all-female story arc is definitely a welcome one.

However, it’s unlikely that this team-up will last long beyond the Hunt For Wolverine event, as the missing Logan is the only reason that they have come together for now.

Next: The Secret Of Wolverine’s Death And Return Explained

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1 is on sale now on ComiXology and Marvel Comics.