So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s go!

You must be 21 years old or above

You must have a social security number and a valid driver’s license.

The recommended type of vehicle for use is a medium to large-sized vehicle. For example, an SUV, truck with a covered bed, van, mid-sized sedan, or any other type of medium to large-sized vehicle. Mini cars, motorbikes, bicycles, and scooters will not be accepted.

Sign up

Fill out your delivery preferences, tax, and payment details. Then you proceed to select a service area where you would be picking up and delivering goods. 


Other licenses that won’t be accepted are licenses with holes and breaks, photocopied licenses, invalid or expired licenses, temporal driver’s license which doesn’t have a photograph, and a learner’s permit.


You can also filter your offers to see only offers from certain stations and times in the day. Head over to the calendar to view your scheduled delivery blocks. There, you can choose to forfeit a delivery block if you think you won’t be available to deliver the package. 

Pickup and Delivery

If you had a failed delivery or couldn’t finish delivery for the day, return the package to the store where you picked it up the same day. If you can’t make it the same day, latest, by 10am the following. This is important to preserve your eligibility.


Amazon Flex Guide   Explore More About It  - 44