However, you can drive alone and not be liable for transporting passengers from one location to another.

Contact Them by Phone

Please dial 1-877-472-7562 if you find yourself in any of these circumstances. You don’t want to make a phone call to someone, do you? No issue.

Contact Them by App

Contact Them by Email

Whether you’re a customer or a driver, you may email the support team at if you don’t want to phone or contact help from inside the app. Emailing the support staff is the easiest way to get in touch with them if you have a non-urgent question.

If you have a unique situation that needs a thorough explanation, emailing the support staff is your best option. Instead of spending time out of your day to interact with customer support, you may then read the email at your leisure.

It’s also a suitable method for drivers to provide feedback on the program and the app. It is also where customers may register complaints regarding undeliverable items, damaged products, or poor service.

Be truthful in your evaluations.


Whether you drive once in a while or numerous shifts per week, something will go wrong at some point.

Frequently asked question

What is the amazon flex app?

What should I do if a customer refuses to accept a delivery?

If you try to deliver an order and the customer rejects any or all of the products, scan the box and mark it as “Rejected” in the app, indicating the reason based on the customer’s feedback.

How do I update my address, phone number or driver’s license date?

Go to Menu > Settings > Personal Information in the app to edit your information.