It emphasizes e-commerce, AI(Artificial Intelligence), cloud computing, and many more. It is one of the famous big five companies in the US in the information technology industry. The main purpose of the company is to repeatedly increase the line of customer satisfaction by making use of advanced technology and the internet to enable the customer to explore and purchase anything and entitle the business and content creators to boost their success.

The main work of HR Managers is to hire and give proper training to their employees and have the proper recruitment policies such as employee benefit programs and many more activities that are framed by the HR Manager.

These includes:

Workforce Training Management

Training is a crucial stage in Human Resource Management. Through training, the upcoming productivity can be ascertained and analyzed. The main area of focus is on building skills and incorporating work potential in their employees. For this, the Human Resource team works hard enough to ensure that the best knowledge reaches every employee.

During the training period, the HR team provides comprehensive information about their business functions related to the employees. Even the employee is introduced to the upcoming goal while ensuring that the employees become able and multi-talented throughout the training.

 Assessment of Employee Performance

As it is a leading brand, it becomes necessary on its part that the performance of every employee is monitored from time to time. 

  Reward Management

Every year, a meeting that includes senior authorities with the HR team is held. This meeting concerns the examination of the performance of all the employees and rewards the worthy.

Work span and diversity balance

Employee Relation 

Customer-Centric Approach

All these aspects have somewhere contributed towards increasing productivity and being one of the reasons behind the successful journey of this market giant company.