Hence, if you want to terminate your Prime membership, you should do it within a three-day business period to be eligible for a refund. Because if you cancel your membership after using prime benefits for a few days then, getting a refund might not be possible.

How to request a refund?

 If you are canceling your membership after using your paid membership Prime benefits for a few days. Then, you can request a refund through:

It can take around a week to 30 days to receive your membership refund. Usually, you will receive a refund on your original payment method, and the time taken for your refund will depend upon your payment method.Payment MethodRefund timeAny Credit cardAround 5-7 business daysAny Debit cardAround 8-10 business daysEBT cardAround 1-2 business daysPrepaid credit card Around 20-30 daysThird-party apps like Apple pay, google pay, or PayPalAround 7-8 business days

Final Thoughts

Frequently asked questions

  1. Will my membership end immediately, after membership cancellation?

A. No. Your membership will continue till the next payment renewal date upon cancellation. If you are eligible for a refund, don’t use any prime benefits even if your membership is not terminated immediately.

A. No. A user receives a full refund only if they cancel their membership without using any Prime benefits.