What are the delivery issues?

How to track the delivered order?

How to cancel the parcel?

You can download the app and cancel the package. Log in to your account and select your order option. There are two ordering processes:

a) Before shipping cancellation:

You can go to the official website or, you can download the app. You can sign in to your account and select the order option. Choose the order that you want to cancel and choose the cancel option.  You have to give a reason for cancelling the order.  You can cancel the order through the app or, you can visit the official website to cancel the order.  

b)After shipping cancellation:

You can cancel an order within 30 minutes after you have received it.  For returning the order, you need to contact the company, and you can contact them through the mail, customer service, phone number, etc.  You can call the consumer and let them know about the refund for the product.  You can select the cancel option from your order list and select the cancel option for cancelling the order. Always check the return information and refund option of the product. If the product has not yet been delivered, try to contact the seller and tell him to refund it.  

Therefore, you can use the app and official website for the cancellation of the product.

Does amazon have guaranteed delivery?
