What to Do in Case of Misplaced Packages

What to Do in Case of Delivery Issues?

Sometimes, your packages may not reach you due to various issues or you may record some other delivery issues, as mentioned below:

In case you had forgotten to complete checkout, please do so as soon as possible, so you don’t miss out on your products. 

If you place an order and then cancel it but still receive the products, you can go about it two ways- be honest or be sly about it. You may contact the seller and inform them that you have mistakenly been sent the products and if you’d like to pay for them or return them. However, you may also decide to do nothing and keep the products. But you might want to remember that honesty is the best policy. 


Q. Can I change my delivery date at the last minute?

A. You can only attempt a scheduled delivery while checking out the order. You can raise a query and have the date rescheduled before the order has been shipped. However, after the shipment, you cannot schedule the delivery date at your convenience.