Before you place an order, double-check your delivery information: If applicable, include a complete street address, apartment number, and suite number. It’s also, a good idea to have two phone numbers in case one of them is unavailable during business hours.

Keep track of your package regularly: It’s crucial to keep track of your package’s shipment status since it will tell you whether or not the postman has delivered it. If they say “sent” but if you haven’t received the item, you’ll be able to seek aid quickly because you caught the problem early.

Consult your neighbors or the concierge at your building: You can also try looking around where you stay before calling the call center, as individuals frequently misinterpret neighboring sites as being close when they aren’t.

A phone number is required: Most importantly a phone number where the courier can contact the person who is responsible for picking up their packages from local post offices when they are returned to the delivery depot.


There are a variety of reasons why an item may be shipped to one address but not another, and buyers should be aware of all of them so that issues can be resolved as fast as possible.

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