Step 1: Visit and log into your account

Step 2: On the home page, tap on the “Your Orders” option

Step 4: Then, choose the reason for returning the items from the given options.

Step 5: Click “Continue” and enter the reason for your return in the comments section if you like. Then again, click continue to proceed to the next step.

Step 6: Next, click the box to agree to the given conditions, and click Continue.

Step 7: Finally, select the “ Confirm your return” option.  


How to track my return items?

Step 2: Click the “Your Orders” option

Step 3: Select “Order Summary” of the product

Step 4: Finally, click the “Track Package” option to see the shipping timeline of your return. 

(NOTE: You cannot track the returns if there are no prepaid labels in your return)

How to check the status of my return?

Step 1: Go to “Your Orders”

Step 2: Tap on “View Return/Refund status.”