The series stars Alexa Davalos, Rufus Sewell, Joel de la Fuente and DJ Qualls, while Jason O’Mara joined the cast in season 3. Although the first season focused solely on events in the alternate timeline world, seasons 2 and 3 expanded the show’s vision to include more science fiction involving traveling between alternate realities, with some characters able to travel to another timeline where the Allies won the war. In season 3, the Nazis, aware of the alternate timeline, began testing a machine that could allow them to invade the other reality. The series received its season 4 renewal in July 2018.

Deadline now reports that season 4 will be the final one for The Man in the High Castle. However, executive producer Isa Dick Hackett, Dick’s son, assures fans that the last season will come to a satisfying conclusion:

The new trailer for season 4 teases that “the end of all worlds is coming.” It seems that the Resistance will make one final stand against the Nazis, but now there’s another world to protect, too. As expected, season 4 will put a lot of focus on the characters of Juliana (Davalos) and Obergruppenführer John Smith (Sewell).

“Well, I don’t know how much we can tell you in the way of plotting and such, but I will say we appreciate being able to have an exciting and satisfying culmination to the show. It’s a great opportunity to be able to sort of plot out the final season in the way that we have, with this extraordinary team. So, I do think that the fans will be thrilled and satisfied by it, but I can’t give away any specifics, unfortunately.”

More: What To Expect From The Man In The High Castle Season 4

Source: Deadline