





This segment helps to determine how loyal the customer is. The company may consider it hardcore, softcore, or not loyal at all. Similarly, the company tries to know whether it is the first time, regular, potential, or ex-user.

The company found the target audience through segmentation. Positioning helps it to understand how to tackle the requirements. The following are the points it identifies for positioning:

So, through research, we can say that the movers have the least market size. Mothers are equal in terms of purchasing power, conversion rate, market size, recurring purchases, and online purchasing. Entrepreneurs have the most purchasing power and recurring purchases. Students and yuppies have the most conversion rate. Baby boomers have the greatest market size.

In the case of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) marketing, the sellers look at the keywords, organic traffic, high-quality photos, attractive features, competitive product pricing, and clear description to attract customers.

In the case of PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing, the sellers must use proper keywords to make advertisements on various platforms. They must pay the search engine for every click done by the visitor on those advertisements. However, it will be profitable if the number of clicks gets greater than the total payment.


Over 60% of AWS customers are Americans. They include both males and females.