How many hours at max, the employer can do under VET?

Is VET mandatory?

No, VET is not mandatory at all. This concept of VET hours is entirely a choice of the employer. They are not under any pressure to sign up for the VET hours. The decision is of the employer.

Can an employee cancel VET?

No, even in an emergency, the employer cannot opt-out from the VET after they receive the confirmation of the VET they signed up for. They are supposed to inform the management as soon as possible if they are opting out of VET. The employees need to be extra careful while applying for VET and apply only when they are sure of their extra time.


Vet, which is Voluntary Extra time, is not necessarily over time but can be called paid-overtime. It is like if an employee worked 3 of 4 scheduled 10 hour days in a week and used PTO for the fourth and if they were to take a 10 hour day of VET later that week, they would not be paid 1.5X overtime for it, as they would have only worked 30 hours up to that point. But, it worked all four days according to your regular shift, and then they can apply for VTO for some hours, then they will be paid extra apart from your regular salary for those extra hours of input apart from the hours of the regular shift.