Golden is a blogger, powerhouse, and mother of five youngsters. This is precisely the way that she presents herself. Golden Massey And Dana Schutz Dram Recollect the times when Amber Massey’s children were a piece of Dana Schultz’s life? Gracious, how times change, and ups and downs remain closely connected. Danny is as of now not dynamic on her Instagram record, and her keep going post was on June 30. Then again, Amber has unfollowed her, and you can never again find her photos on Amber’s Instagram handle.

Reddit, Twitter, and other virtual entertainment handles are going off the deep end over this. Everybody is interested to figure out what might have turned out badly between the two, however as numerous conversations, a similar measure of disarray has arisen. Many individuals say that they could have marked a NDA, which is the reason nobody has come up to explain the briskness between the two.


Dana Shultz (@danashultz)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

It is said that Dana Had exited her nursing school to linger after Amber’s children, and she did all that she could to raise the. Fans had continually been seeing Amber going out with her individual powerhouse Instagrammers leaving her kids back to the caretaker. A significant number of them had pinpointed it too, however it is unusual that Dana is presently not a piece of the Massey family. She has, truth be told, totally left her virtual entertainment life at this point.

Reddit Discussions On Amber Massey And Dana Schutz Issue On an irregular string, one individual began the discussion by asking what had occurred among Amber and Dana. He was interested to know the explanation for them being at this point not together on the web. He further says that Dana exited nursing school to work for the Massey family full time and used to do everything with them, however presently they have unfollowed one another.


Dana Shultz (@danashultz)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

A many individuals drew in with this however a large portion of the remarks have been erased. One of them answers, “Everybody has been totally mum on this. I keep thinking about whether she marked a NDA.”

Essentially, in regards to playing around with her companions, and passing on her youngsters for her babysitter to deal with, a Reddit string insults her. A powerhouse named Madi nelson was addressed assuming she had no companions on the Internet and why she was never out celebrating. To this, she answered by saying that she delighted in investing energy with her youngsters, and she didn’t feel right leaving the children for trips. The Redditor puts out the screen capture inquiring as to whether Amber could observe that.


Dana Shultz (@danashultz)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

What has been going on with Amber Massey? Capture News An Instagram account has been made that says, ‘Golden Massey was captured for family brutality on May third, 2021.’ A progression of proof has been put on a mission to demonstrate that she’d been attempting to conceal her wrongdoing.

The record overseer likewise attempts to consider the brands working with her responsible, however a significant number of them have hindered it. Subsequently, the news is as yet not affirmed and the individual attempting to bring it out appears to have surrendered.